A popular topic amongst various peoples of the internet and multimedia worlds these days is that of bacon. Bacon is salt-cured strips of pork, usually from the back or side of the pig. because of their salty flavor and fatty crispy crunch, people tend to hold this food item in very high regard. I count myself amongst this number.
Those that know me, know that bacon is one of my favorite foods. I hold bacon as king amongst the breakfast foods, and have even been known to indulge in the aged Italian 'bacons' such as prosciutto and pancetta. Bacon makes it's own cooking grease that slowly melts off of the meat as you fry it in the pan. Because of this, it is difficult to question bacon's convenience factor. It is as though the salty little tendrils themselves are trying to help you cook them.
Bacon does it's best work when mixed with other foodstuffs. For example, when placed on pizza, it manages to create a delicious treat that is superior, in my opinion, to even salami and pepperoni: other cured meats. On a Bacon Lettuce and Tomato sandwich (or BLT) it steals the show! Even on a club sandwich where it is relegated to a more minor role, the bacon tends to have a way with it's keen flavor for greeting your tongue most thoroughly in every bite. Bacon is delicious when sprinkled into macaroni and cheese, chili, and I even like it when it is finely chopped into pancake batter and fried on a skillet.
Bacon itself has some surprising qualities. Part of the popularity of the food likely stems from the fact that it contains no fewer than 6 different ingredient types that contribute to addictive aspects of 'umami', or the savory response of food to taste buds. This allows bacon to be a stand out flavor that is both striking and delicious enough that even certain vegetarians might find an excuse to turn to the 'dark side' and enjoy a piece or two.
All in all, bacon is simply one of the best foods that exists in the world today, and stands out as a reminder of how wonderful it is that we get hungry again every handful of hours.
You are quite the guy, Jeff. Let's fry some bacon!